Briefly, he claimed that workers during the period 1650-1800 chose to labor longer hours, often at greater intensity, in order to consume novel manufactured goods and imported commodities. They banned native blacklegs who had avoided apprenticeship or were willing to work for less, as well as low-paid Scottish and Irish journeymen. 91 Nevertheless, manufacturers and workers throughout Europe and across the Atlantic continued to express their mutual interests and practices in the language of custom, and the journeymen still appealed to the authority of their self-styled conventions when they confronted the masters. 118. Nor did these revolutions transform the imperatives that shaped productivity in the craft. (Frank Trentmann, Empire of Things: How We Became a World of Consumers from the Fifteenth Century to the Twenty-First (New York, 2016), 7475.) The most important technological advancement that occurred during this time period . Coleman, D. C., Combinations of Capital and of Labour in the English Paper Industry, 17891825, Economica, new series, 21 (1954): 44 19 (New York, 1978 [1947]), 243Google Scholar; and for Rannersdorf, see Eineder, Ancient Paper-Mills, 52. For the most recent estimates of living standards in industrializing Britain, see No holds were barred, including the adulteration of sheets with artificial whiteners, in the pursuit of profits in this internationally competitive industry.Footnote 36. At various times, the leading producers were centered in Fabriano, the Auvergne, and Zaandam. Briquet, C.-M., Associations et Grves des ouvriers papetiers en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe sicles, Revue Internationale de Sociologie Effectively, production consisted of three stages: the rotting and mechanical reduction of cast-off linen into pulp, the creation of the paper, and the preparation of the infant sheets for ink and transport. 63. Fire and floods consumed paper mills and profits all too often. 65 (2010): 78798Google Scholar; For a rather different take on the influence of the Enlightenment, see Successful production turned on timely weather, a full storeroom of old linen, accessible markets, the absence of catastrophic disruptions, and a ready supply of skilled journeymen. [1][2][3] Proponents of the Industrious Revolution theory argue that the increase in working hours and individual consumption traditionally associated with the Industrial Revolution actually began several centuries earlier, and were largely a result of choice rather than coercion. As word got around about desperate masters or soft touches, the journeymen built their combination. This supports the idea that labour inputs and therefore workers' earnings rose relative to what was required for basic subsistence. Darnton, Robert, The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopdie, 17751800 (Cambridge, MA In 1772, the master papermakers of the town, eager to economize on their costs, decided to move the start of work closer to sunrise. Randall, Adrian, Before the Luddites: Custom, Community and Machinery in the English Woolen Industry, 17761809 (Cambridge, 1991)Google Scholar. Maintenance was never the greatest expense borne by hand papermakers, but it took its toll, as did its neglect. These producers feared that an Act that destroyed all Emulation among the Workmen for personal gain would harm their efforts to tame the journeymen's association.Footnote de Lalande, Joseph-Jrme Lefranois, The Art of Papermaking, trans. The device required a precise fit between metal blades and the bedplate, but wooden wedges, the initial artifice of French papermakers, yielded inferior pulp and paper. Exacting time-discipline had always been a feature of papermaking; its presence showed in every sheet. By the 1770s and 1780s, English manufacturers produced substantial amounts of fine stationery and printing paper. 66. An Empirical Exercise for England, c. 13001830. Thus the Combination Act mandated that the time of working by journeymen at the vat shall be half an hour about each post.Footnote They labored strenuously to preserve a just day's work, the complicated system that combined the established hours of labor with production quotas and premiums for the completion of the regular workday. For the influence of French papermaking on the English industry, see the titles in footnote 3. Quoted in Stirk, Industrial Relations, 84. An experienced man watched over rows of stamping mallets that separated the linen, already weakened by a customary period of fermentation, into cellulose filaments. Clark, Gregory and Van Der Werf, Ysbrand, Work in Progress? [citation needed], The theory of an Industrious Revolution, as put forward by historian Jan de Vries, claims that there were two parts to the Industrious Revolution. 53. Uneven recovery followed, in part because the manufacture of paper was widely diffused across France and each region had its particular specialties, aptitudes, and customers. Next, I turn to the endless array of threats to the regular production and marketing of paper, from fires, freezes, and droughts to larcenous teamsters, wartime blockades, and foreign competition. Feinstein, Charles, Pessimism Perpetuated: Real Wages and the Standard of Living in Britain during and after the Industrial Revolution, Journal of Economic History Gachet, Henri, Les Grves d'ouvriers papetiers en France au XVIIIme sicle jusqu la Rvolution, in Papers of the Twelfth International Congress of the International Association of Paper Historians (Haarlem, 1972), 128Google Scholar. They invested countless hours in the creation of mill codes, incentives, and deterrents. None of these features constituted a new organization of production during the long eighteenth century. 63. In many ways, the customary practices of early modern European paperworkers resembled those depicted by 8. 47. Hobsbawm, E. J., Custom, Wages, and Work-Load in Nineteenth-Century Industry, in Essays in Labour History, ed. 104. In urban areas, on the other hand, where real wages were rising and the working days required to support a family declined, the gap between the observed working year and the work needed to cover basic family expenses grew wider. This became an intense, familiar time discipline. So the English advantage of lengthier workyears probably continued, though diminished, during the long eighteenth century. Finally, women smoothed and sorted the paper, excised stained and clotted swatches, and assisted the loftsman in wrapping the reams. This new technology eventually developed into factories. In his 1976 book Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society, Raymond Williams states in the entry for "Industry": "The idea of a new social order based on major industrial change was clear in Southey and . What they bought was a wide and frequently new array of manufactured consumer goods and imported commodities. And stimulant beverages, tobacco, and other perishable items from abroad hardly figured in the inventories of goods. 117 Since printers and stationers demanded many types of paper, the number of sheets in each post was the subject of careful consideration. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. He also observed that the same regimen characterized Italy, Poland, and England. Without explanation, however, he wrote that in Spanish papermaking there were not set working hours. De Vries was drawn to the workdays and exertions of the early modern European laboring poor by the intersection of two, seemingly contradictory patterns.Footnote Dressed in customary costume, arms reddened by dipping their molds in warm pulp, and surely singing and shouting along the way, they must have enjoyed their midnight marches to the mills. Yet the prevailing approach among the masters was changing in the Revolutionary era. It prevented the pulp from settling in the vats, and thereby freed the masters from dependence on youngsters bored by the tedious labor of stirring up the material twenty to forty times each day. Perhaps these spaces surpassed the cold ground of the open road, but too often just barely. As a result of some industrial espionage engineered by the French state in 1768, the Dutch beaters finally found a working role in French papermaking in 1780. 21. Taken together, these second-level technological departures saved time and labor costs and taught English papermakers the art of blending machines with a product easily damaged by rough handling. 80 The governor of the beaters sounded the bell at 3:45 a.m. and work began at four, a departure from convention that the producers of Thiers could only envy. Hills, Richard, Papermaking in Britain, 14881988: A Short History (London, 1988)Google Scholar; French journeymen had clear expectations about the amount and quality of their regular and holiday diets. From 17991805, with the exception of the troubled year of 1803, the five vat crews at their mill, Vidalon-le-Haut, averaged 247.8 workdays per year. New International Evidence of Worktime, 18701913, The Industrious Revolution: Consumer Behavior and the Household Economy, 1650 to the Present, Between Purchasing Power and the World of Goods: Understanding the Household Economy in Early Modern Europe, in, The Industrious Revolution and Economic Growth, 16501830, in, The Economic Future in Historical Perspective. Two vatmen at the Rannersdorf mill, for instance, each paid eight Gulden a year for two rooms and a kitchen.Footnote More pressing followed and the sheets were draped over cords to dry. Once the truce had been reached, whichever side called the meeting provided beer for all.Footnote Thompson, E. P., Customs in Common: Studies in Traditional Popular Culture (New York, 1991), 352403 During the first years of the nineteenth century, the mechanical engineer Bryan Donkin crafted a commercially viable version of this device in Bermondsey.Footnote Even the first machines did the work of eight vat crews. Grenier, Travailler plus. The master's table was a prominent fixture in most early modern European paper mills. Here was a formula to ensure the producers sales and solvency, if not windfall gains. So they pressed for lofty pay and overtime premiums whenever they could and enjoyed these flush times for as long as they lasted, because they had learned that lean times were inevitable. Just before Christmas in 1697, the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations declared: We humbly conceive it is also a very usefull Manufacture deserving all incouragement, and that we may improve to make as good as what comes from abroad.Footnote It announced highly detailed standards for the tools, techniques, and time of production in 1739. The term "Industrious Revolution" refers to a time period in which the English colonies had a period of heightened production and technological innovation. getting more slaves to do work necessary for prosperity. There journeymen had adapted over centuries to lengthy, intense hours of labor. On the issue of maintenance, including Woronoff's insight, see It is therefore worth observing that paper mills, arsenals, potbanks, and shipyards, as well as some breweries and glassworks, shared several characteristics. Quoted in The Great Awakening. Pessimism Perpetuated: Real Wages and the Standard of Living in Britain during and after the Industrial Revolution, The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present, Experiencing Wages: Social and Cultural Aspects of Wage Forms in Europe since 1500. The economic historian Jan de Vries coined the term "industrious revolu-tion" in a series of remarkable articles and a synthetic volume that appeared in 2008.2 He argued that the laboring poor often lengthened their working hours and toiled with greater intensity during the long eighteenth century (1680- The quoted phrase is in Thompson, Customs in Common, 394. Johnson, R., New Duty on Paper. (As a rule of thumb, the entrepreneurs and the workers were well aware that the reward for a week's worth of a skilled man's toil equaled the price of a single ream of good paper.) On the general issue of technological transfer during the long eighteenth century, see Their masters, who raged against this custom, worried about the cost of candles, the threat of fire, and the theft of rags and reams. At Rannersdorf, when some hitch stopped papermaking, the vat crews received their regular weekly wages and an additional twenty Kreutzer, since they were deprived of the advantage of piece-work, that is, the payment for meeting their daily quotas.Footnote Such compensation, even makework, was unusual in an era when shutdowns generally drove both the skilled and unskilled to the road. It was coined to compare the labour-intensive technologies of Tokugawa Japan (1603-1868) with the capital-intensive technologies of Britain's Industrial Revolution. The early French use of Hollander beaters failed. For the specific citations concerning worktime in papermaking, see below. But under the pressure of the competitive international market for fine paper, it is intriguing that von Pachner had embraced one facet of de Vries's industrious revolutionintensified workat the expense of another when he cut the journeymen's hours.Footnote If the supervisor of the stamping mallets failed to rouse himself from sleep during heavy rains, turbulent, muddy water flooded the troughs and discolored the pulp. A 6:00 a.m. start was common in many English trades, but the paperworkers, with their tightly coordinated tasks and physically demanding labor, tended to work slightly shorter days than some craftsmen and millhands. 80. As one inspector of manufactures explained, Want of a single [member of the vat crew] halts the work of three.Footnote And most importantly, would the journeymen produce a full day's quota of commercially acceptable reams? As late as 1858, a departing worker in England left behind a gold guinea, or a producer bent on dismissing him put one in his pocket. As Pollard phrased it, men who were non-accumulative, non-acquisitive, accustomed to work for subsistence, not for maximization of income, had to be made obedient to the cash stimulus, and obedient in such a way as to act precisely to the stimuli provided.Footnote Google Scholar. is universal, normal, and ancient, and that the term industrial revolution is inappropriate because it attributes a unique quality to Britain that she actually has in common with other societies. During this time period, both new technology and new industrial methods were developed and put into use. 29. The 1500s (16th century) saw the revolution of print, which boosted education and knowledge sharing among locations, and which was an automation-revolution, based on transmissions, albeit not-yet motorized. Makers of high-quality reams, the Kentish paperworkers were accustomed to wages twenty percent higher than their brothers elsewhere. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. 3. Eineder, Georg, The Ancient Paper-Mills of the Former Austro-Hungarian Empire and Their Watermarks (Hilversum, 1960), 31Google Scholar. Quoted in Shorter, Paper Mills and Paper Makers, 79. 3 CrossRefGoogle Scholar. This balance formed the core of both the entrepreneurs and the journeymen's understanding of industrious work. By 1717, two-fifths of the paper mills in the Auvergne, France's foremost papermaking region, were shuttered. 18 If most paperworkers days were somewhat less mechanical than those endured by the Montgolfiers hands, their day's work was every bit as exact. Even the women who labored on call (worked by agreement) in the paper mills of Berne were entitled to overwork payments.Footnote 86. Lalande originally published his Art de faire le papier in Paris in 1761. On the industrious revolution, see also Proto-Industrialization: A Concept Too Many. Reynard, Pierre-Claude, Histoires de papier: La papeterie auvergnate et ses historiens (Clermont-Ferrand, 2001)Google Scholar; and There is no evidence on either count. CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Yet as a means of swelling the purses of masters and men, they had their temptations. An empirical exercise for England, c. 13001830", "Unreal Wages? 11 The term "industrious revolution" was coined by de Vries (1993). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The term industrious revolution refers to, The theory of economic liberalism, or laissez-faire capitalism, is concerned mostly with the needs of, The navigation acts helped Britain to become a great naval power by and more. Prak, Maarten (London, 2001), 17794Google Scholar; and The Industrial Revolution and the Industrious Revolution, Journal of Economic History Unlike the lumber sawing business, this industry shows "clear downward movement"[15] in threshing rates, after which there are no longer any trends. 55 (New York, 1980), 129 Combinations of Capital and of Labour in the English Paper Industry, 17891825. 108 Landes, David, The Unbound Prometheus: Technological Change and Industrial Development in Western Europe from 1750 to the Present (Cambridge, 1969), 123Google Scholar. 8 (1990): 12835Google Scholar. But the journeyman exiled by a manufacturer as a result of his loyalty to the workers customs would likely find his swagger rewarded and his fear assuaged by work elsewhere. Whatman, who produced about 8 percent of England's fine paper, saw the take of the excise rise from 4 percent of his expenses before 1781 to 21.5 percent in 1785.Footnote These behaviours, when combined constitute an Industrious Revolution. Overtime work, then, may have served the journeymen and their families as a hedge against the inevitable lean times of their trade. Here was an echo of Whatman's world of personal arrangements between master and man. One should also be wary of Reynaud's calculations and the Montgolfiers claimstheir journeymen described the bacon as the scraps from the sack, noted that the wine gave them a lot of diarrhea, and that everything the masters provided was contrary to our health.Footnote This process began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of the world. How frequently this new schedule was honored is beyond our knowledge, but a strike by the journeymen paperworkers of Thiers (in the Auvergne) is illuminating. But for many, living quarters amounted to pallets in airless, dank chambres. Introduction: Space, Time and Value in Consuming Cultures, Consuming Cultures, Global Perspectives: Historical Trajectories, Transnational Exchanges, Machines papier: Innovation et transformations de l'industrie papetire en France, 17981860, Les Anciens Ouvriers papetiers d'Auvergne, Histoires de papier: La papeterie auvergnate et ses historiens, Papermaking in Eighteenth-Century France: Management, Labor, and Revolution at the Montgolfier Mill, 17611805, The British Paper Industry, 14951860: A Study in Industrial Growth, Papermaking in Britain, 14881988: A Short History, Paper Mills and Paper Makers in England, 14951800. Would the journeymen return after they laid the molds down and in what condition? In contrast, they mention the threshing industry. Fairchilds, Cissie, The Production and Marketing of Populuxe Goods in Eighteenth-Century Paris, in Consumption and the World of Goods Additionally, the Dutch practice of preserving some dampness in the drying sheets and shuffling them under the press did not disturb the grain as much as French trip-hammers and smooth stones. Much of the recent debate in early modern European labor and economic history has centered on Jan de Vriess concept of the industrious revolution. According to Sidney Pollard, the issues facing the masters and manufacturers who dreamed of increased output were doubly complex. Work in Progress? For their part, the manufacturers turned to states everywhere during the eighteenth century for aid in governing these ungovernable journeymen. To control their ranks, English paperworkers, like their French counterparts, labored to maintain a balance of one apprentice per vat. and the coining of the term "Industrious Revolution." . On the basis of the Montgolfiers accounts, Marie-Hlne Reynaud carefully calculated that the Montgolfiers journeymen consumed 3,931.5 calories worth of food each day.Footnote Quoted in Balston, William Balston, 12. A typical French mill housed only one production vat but consumed three hundred quintals of rags every year. The term is derived from a group of early 19th century English workers who attacked factories and destroyed machinery as a means of protest. Early American Papermaking, Bidwell's introduction, 33. If access to new populuxe goods intensified this understanding, it, too, did not forge this link. [5] Hayami observed that the two countries took different paths due to the different mix of factor endowments (capital for Britain and labour for Japan). 64 (2004): 9641001 Of course, the routine collapse of production in many mills means that such figures actually disclose the place of food in the balance of the journeymen's earnings. On the eve of large-scale mechanization, enduring shopfloor realities, skills, and quotas prevented a surge of productivity beyond papermakings familiar standards. Prior to the proposed era of the Industrious Revolution most goods were produced either by household or by guilds. The First Industrial Revolution was a process that began in Britain in the 18th century, from where it spread to other parts of the world.Although it was previously used by French writers, the term Industrial Revolution was first popularized by English economic historian Arnold Toynbee to describe Britain's economic development between 1760 and 1840. Even in the midst of the rising demand for paper in the eighteenth century, it was the daringor foolhardypapermaker who tried to extend the workday, raise daily quotas, or shift mealtimes. Pollard, Sidney, The Genesis of Modern Management: A Study of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain (Cambridge, MA 98 95. 17. The sizerman collected the still moist paper and immersed it in an emulsion of hides, hoofs, tripe, and alum. Theirs may have been an unusually mathematized, Enlightened approach to secure regular diligence and output, but it was less audacious because of the well-established production regimens of their trade. The Land Question in China: Agrarian Capitalism, Industrious Revolution, and East Asian Development Shaohua Zhan London and New York: Routledge, 2019 178 pp. To preserve their versions of the bon ordre of the trade, manufacturers and workers resorted to mirrorlike tactics: The patrons withdrew their capital, and the journeymen withdrew their labor. , ed. On taxation and protection, see Coleman, British Paper Industry, chapter 5, and The Dutch workday began at 3:30 a.m., and at the Rannersdorf mill in Austria, the vatman picked up his molds at 4:00 a.m.Footnote Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, Paper Manufactr, December 23, 1697, British Library, Sloan MSS, 2902. For the cottager's son seeking a spot in a paper mill, the pace and the close coordination of the work must have seemed unsettling, even daunting. English producers also turned quickly to the hydraulic press, a device capable of imposing considerably more pressure on drying paper than the familiar screw press. Even in the slow year of 1803, the teams still averaged 210 days of work.Footnote As Denis Woronoff suggested, this neglect may have served as a functional equivalent to obsolescence, opening space for fresh tools and techniques. Then it was pressed. 100, To curb the paperworkers restless expansion of their customs, the Montgolfiers, in 17801781, took a daring step: They installed a new system of labor discipline along with their Hollander beaters. After this accord, the master papermakers around Paris limited their hands to eight days of worship, including Sainte-Croix, the fte patronale of the trade.Footnote That said, historians generally agree that the Reformation reduced the number of English workdays lost to religious observance and thereby enhanced production and profits. Whether white printing paper or light blue stationery, it was at once durable and ephemeral, elegant, and subtly flawed. 50 [2]:87. Wives and children also shared this novel disposition and participated more frequently in market-oriented labour, namely, paid work, often outside the household.Footnote Additionally, the vat crews routinely fashioned extra sheets to compensate the master for spoiled paper. Not surprisingly, many master papermakers found reliable profits hard to secure; bankruptcies were frequent.
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