Article Since 1997, the focus of research in the University of Georgia's School Design and Planning Laboratory (SDPL) has been the measurement of the impact of the school's physical environment on aspects of affective, behavioral, and cognitive learning. Hu, L., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). The aim of this study is to examine the effect of school leadership on student academic achievement through Pitners Model B, including mediator variables between leadership and student achievement. A simple study guide and reference. Adaptation of collaborative climate scale into Turkish: The study of validity and reliability., DOI: (Citation 1997), which found that school . The Journal of Educational Research, 105(1), 2135. British Educational Research Journal, 33(3), 295313. Educational Management Administration & Leadership. All public school teachers teaching secondary classes were the population of the study. Health outcomes vary between schools and it is theorised that this may be partly attributable to variation in the school environment. Principal leadership effects on student achievement: A multilevel analysis using Programme for International Student Assessment 2015 data. It was geared at specifically analyzing factors contributing to academic achievement in secondary schools in Hamisi sub-county, Vihiga-Kenya. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(3), 496536. Boys' participation in schooling was higher compared to that of girls. Future researchers may also derive valuable insight from the findings for purposes of making better their own research works. Effect of school leadership on student academic achievement: school level path variables. Does social capital still matter? ), The Oxford Handbook of Quantitative Methods, Vol. Can cost-benefit analysis guide education policy in developing countries ? One hundred and forty four secondary school teachers from 22 secondary schools in three towns of City Lahore were selected on random basis. (2005). IMPACT OF RESOURCE UTILIZATION IN EDUCATION, QUALITY IMPLICATIONS OF LEARNING INFRASTRUCTURE ON PERFORMANCE IN SECONDARY EDUCATION: A SMALL SCALE STUDY OF A COUNTY IN KENYA, Analytical Study of the Extent of Practice and Implementation of Asei-Pdsi Approach by Teachers of Mathematics in Vihiga County, Kenya, INFLUENCE OF INSTITUTIONAL FACTORS ON STUDENTS PERFORMANCE AT KENYA CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN MBOONI EAST SUB COUNTY, KENYA, A Comparative Study between Private and Public Secondary Schools on Quality Education for the Achievement of Economic Growth in Kenya, Effects of Teachers' Participation in Management of Physical and Material Resources on Their Motivation, Kenya, EFFECT OF PHYSICAL FACILITIES ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN PUBLIC DAY SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN KAKAMEGA EAST SUB-COUNTY, Opportunities and Challenges: Integration of ICT in Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Secondary Schools, Nairobi, Kenya. (2023). OECD. Summer 1997 Publication: Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Details: 19 (2) Pages: pp. Parent-teacher relationships and parental involvement in education in Latino families. There has been an explosion of private schooling mostly at the primary but at higher levels as well and, somewhat surprisingly, private schooling cannot be relegated, International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science -IJLTEMAS ( (2018). Correspondence to Doubly-latent models of school contextual effects: Integrating multilevel and structural equation approaches to control measurement and sampling error. A theoretical and empirical analysis of the roles of instructional leadership, teacher collaboration, and collective efficacy beliefs in support of student learning. The Effect of School Resources on Student Achievement and Adult Success (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 1996), pp. Day, C., Sammons, P., & Leithwood, K. (2011). COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MULTI-GRADE TEACHING WITH THAT OF MONO-GRADE TEACHING AT PRIMARY LEVEL. The contextual investigations for the usage of ICT and reviews after the execution on the results as far as achieving instructive objectives are likewise highlighted. Accessed 21 Dec 2022, Wu, H., Shen, J., Zhang, Y., & Zheng, Y. (2014). The Ontario Leadership Framework 2012 with a discussion of the research foundations (Research Report No. Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice? Purposive sampling technique was used to select the DEO. The relationships between the variables in the study were examined based on two-level structural equation modelling. The study was guided by the following objective: To establish the impact of teaching and learning resources to students academic achievement in secondary schools in Hamisi Sub-county, Vihiga Kenya. The close to 400 studies of student achievement demonstrate that there is not a strong or consistent relationship between student performance and school resources, at least after variations in family inputs are taken into account. School/family/community partnerships: Caring for the children we share. Assessing and analyzing schools as professional learning communities. Climate. The study concluded that most schools in Kajiado County had not embraced ICT in various areas of administration. 1; pp. Immigrant minority disadvantage in school-specific social capital and its effects on academic achievement. The aim of this paper is to highlight the contribution of instructional materials to the academic achievement of secondary school students in Social Studies in Ekiti State. Hallinger, P., & Heck, R. H. (1996). The results of the research showed that the school leadership behaviours of the school principal have an indirect effect on student achievement through the variables of teacher collaboration, classroom instruction, and parental involvement. Quantitative data for the study was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. We model how class size affects the grade higher education students earn and we test the model using an ordinal logit with and without fixed effect on over . Hoover Institution The authors designed and conducted this study using the predictive analytics to determine the different science performance predictors of the first batch of K to 12 curriculum in Valencia District, Valencia, Negros Oriental. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 27(3), 406417. International Journal of Karamanoglu Mehmetbey Educational Research, 3(2), 103112., Kln, A. ., Polatcan, M., Turan, S., & zdemir, N. (2022). ), Demystifying Professional Learning Communities: School Leadership at Its Best (pp. Current Psychology . It was recommended that the Government should roll out a fund to facilitate TLR production apart from encouraging the teachers to be innovative in production of these resources and that secondary schools should make achievement targets in respect to student entry behavior and work to augment this. In N. J. Boyan (Ed. Effects of Resource Allocation on Student Achievement and Self-Perceptions of Success. Hence, the question exists as to how we can expect students to achieve in the absence of an adequate physical environment. Similarly, some archaic gender stereotypes and gender bigotry plays to the disadvantage of students' thus affecting their schooling. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 47(3), 400420. To the degree that turnover disrupts the formation and maintenance of staff cohesion and community, it may also then effect student achievement. Sixteen public secondary schools from fifty one were sampled through stratified random sampling. The descriptive survey method was used in study. Journal of Education. (2011). Relationship between primary school principals power styles and teacher organizational commitment. We disclosed no conflicts of interest regarding the research, authorship, and/or publication of this paper. Keywords: education production function, multilevel simultaneous equation model Classic Methods in Public Administration Research. Cummings, C. L. (2018). In M. Allen (Ed. To ascertain student discipline levels and its effect to student academic achievement in public secondary schools in Hamisi Sub-county, Kenya. Review of Research in Education, 15(1), 225250. (2022). PubMed The collected data were analyzed through SPSS 21. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 49(2), 214233. timates of the effects of resources on student per-formance. This study has been conducted to investigate the relationship between teachers training and student academic performance. Quantitative data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and the data was presented using frequency counts, means and percentages with the aid of the SPSS Version 16.0. The relationship between parental involvement and urban secondary school student academic achievement: A meta-analysis. The population . The proportion varies across countries from less than 8% in Italy to 16% in New Zealand. (2020). The other half assess the impact of school resources on students' earnings after their formal schooling has ended. Bellibas, M. S., & Liu, Y. Urban Education, 42(1), 82100. A synthesis of reviews of research on principal leadership in East Asia. 166). Drop and pick methodology was adopted for data collection. Distributed leadership and contract relations: Evidence from Turkish high schools. Teaching is an imperative device used for guideline in various circumstances. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 22(2), 121148. Significant effects are found for Reading vocabulary, Reading comprehension, Language arts, Mathematics, and Science. NASSP Bulletin, 85(627), 36. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(7), Article 7., zdemir, N., Gm, S., Kln, A. ., & Belliba, M. . Ecological systems theory: The person in the center of the circles. Even when studying the same measures of school performance, some educational researchers conclude that greater spending is useful in promoting student progress; others find little evidence that extra spending produces meaningful improvement in student performance. Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., Bakia, M., & Jones, K. (2010). (Contains 1 diagram) Student achievement is impacted on numerous levels including students' personal factors, their interactions with others such as parents, teachers, and administrators, and lastly the larger systems that surround the student e.g. The other half assess the impact of school resources on students' earnings after their formal schooling has ended. The population for the study comprised of all Junior Secondary School Class II students from among which 180 were sampled. This study attempted to address the perennial problem of academic achievement in secondary schools that leads to students receding in test scores.
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