To make things simpler, version 2.3 added the AbstractConsumerSeekAware class, which keeps track of which callback is to be used for a topic/partition. Default no-op implementations are provided to avoid having to implement both methods if one is not required. See Application Events for more information. The ConsumerConfig default is latest which means that messages already sent by a test, before the consumer starts, will not receive those records. This version uses the Apache Kafka 0.10.x.x client. You can capture these events by implementing ApplicationListenereither a general listener or one narrowed to only receive this specific event. Refer to Exception Classifier to see how to manage it. The bean is wrapped in a MessagingMessageListenerAdapter configured with various features, such as converters to convert the data, if necessary, to match the method parameters. This allows a Kafka Streams topology to interact with a Spring Messaging component, such as a Spring Integration flow. The following example shows how to add a ReplyHeadersConfigurer: You can also add more headers if you wish. The following example shows how to do so: Starting with version 2.1.3, you can designate a @KafkaHandler method as the default method that is invoked if there is no match on other methods. The default is having no timeout set, which can also be achieved by providing -1 as the timout value. To assign a MessageListener to a container, you can use the ContainerProps.setMessageListener method when creating the Container. The isPartitionPauseRequested() method returns true if pause for that partition has been requested. If you wish this condition to be considered fatal, set the admins fatalIfBrokerNotAvailable property to true. The ListenerContainerNoLongerIdleEvent has the same properties, except idleTime and paused. The template sets a header (named KafkaHeaders.CORRELATION_ID by default), which must be echoed back by the server side. When you use @KafkaListener, set the RecordFilterStrategy (and optionally ackDiscarded) on the container factory so that the listener is wrapped in the appropriate filtering adapter. Starting with version 2.8, the legacy ErrorHandler and BatchErrorHandler interfaces have been superseded by a new CommonErrorHandler. The isAckAfterHandle() default implementation now returns true by default. Its also an issue if the number of partitions changes over time, because you would have to recompile your application each time the partition count changes. Because the listener container has its own mechanism for committing offsets, it prefers the Kafka ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG to be false. If you wish to use a different error handling strategy for record and batch listeners, the CommonMixedErrorHandler is provided allowing the configuration of a specific error handler for each listener type. these methods now require an ObjectProvider
parameter. The - 100 leaves room for later phases to enable components to be auto-started after the containers. Also, the DefaultKafkaHeaderMapper has a new addToStringClasses method, allowing the specification of types that should be mapped by using toString() instead of JSON. See Message Headers for more information. The following example configures recovery after three tries: When you do not use transactions, you can achieve similar functionality by configuring a DefaultErrorHandler. This technique supports sending different types to the same topic (or different topics). The listener container starts the Kafka transaction and the @Transactional annotation starts the DB transaction. You can now use KafkaSendCallback instead of ListenerFutureCallback to get a narrower exception, making it easier to extract the failed ProducerRecord. You can revert to the previous behavior by setting the removeTypeHeaders property to false, either directly on the deserializer or with the configuration property described earlier. It has a sub-interface (ConsumerAwareListenerErrorHandler) that has access to the consumer object, through the following method: Another sub-interface (ManualAckListenerErrorHandler) provides access to the Acknowledgment object when using manual AckMode s. In either case, you should NOT perform any seeks on the consumer because the container would be unaware of them. constructors to accept Serializer and Deserializer instances for keys and values, respectively. You can consume these events with an ApplicationListener or @EventListener method to remove ThreadLocal> instances or remove() thread-scoped beans from the scope. If a batch listener throws an exception that is not a BatchListenerFailedException, the retries are performed from the in-memory batch of records. You can provide the error handler with a BiFunction, Exception, BackOff> to determine the BackOff to use, based on the failed record and/or the exception: If the function returns null, the handlers default BackOff will be used. See Spring Management for more information. The following example shows how to do so: The following example shows how to receive a list of payloads: The topic, partition, offset, and so on are available in headers that parallel the payloads. Starting with version 2.8.8, the patterns, can also applied to inbound mapping. The following listing shows the constructors signature: It also has a concurrency property. KafkaHeaders.DLT_EXCEPTION_CAUSE_FQCN: The Exception cause class name, if present (since version 2.8). When the container is paused, stop processing after the current record instead of after processing all the records from the previous poll; the remaining records are retained in memory and will be passed to the listener when the container is resumed. They stop the container. Starting with versions 2.3.8, 2.4.6, the ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer now supports Static Membership when the concurrency is greater than one. The following test case configuration snippet illustrates how to use this feature: You can provide a listener container with a KafkaAwareTransactionManager instance. container: The listener container or the parent listener container, if the source container is a child. Starting with version 2.3, there are two ways to use the @EmbeddedKafka annotation with JUnit5. The ContainerProperties provides an authorizationExceptionRetryInterval option to let the listener container to retry after any AuthorizationException is thrown by the KafkaConsumer. Apache Kafka headers have a simple API, shown in the following interface definition: The KafkaHeaderMapper strategy is provided to map header entries between Kafka Headers and MessageHeaders. This version requires the 2.5.0 kafka-clients. If present, this will override any of the other techniques discussed above. Alternatively, you can configure the ErrorHandlingDeserializer to create a custom value by providing a failedDeserializationFunction, which is a Function. With the default implementation, a ConsumerRecordRecoverer can be used to handle errors within the batch, without stopping the processing of the entire batch - this might be useful when using transactions. Streams JSON Serialization and Deserialization, 4.3.9. With AssertJ, the final part looks like the following code: The kafka-clients library provides MockConsumer and MockProducer classes for testing purposes. Expert Help. Listener performance can now be monitored using Micrometer Timer s. If you configure the JsonMessageConverter with a DefaultJackson2TypeMapper that has its TypePrecedence set to TYPE_ID (instead of the default INFERRED), the converter uses the type information in headers (if present) instead. EOSMode.V1 (aka ALPHA) is no longer supported. See Publishing Dead-letter Records for more information. For a parent container, the source and container properties are identical. See Factory Listeners for more information. By default, logging of topic offset commits is performed with the DEBUG logging level. When not using the spring test context, the EmbdeddedKafkaCondition creates a broker; the condition includes a parameter resolver so you can access the broker in your test method. The API takes in a timestamp as a parameter and stores this timestamp in the record. This might be useful, for example, if you have to update SSL key/trust store locations after a credentials change. If you do not provide a consumer executor, a SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor is used for each container. Unlike the ConsumerRebalanceListener, The default implementation does not call onPartitionsRevoked. The container property restartAfterAuthException has been added. For the deserializer, the consumer property can be a Map where the key is the selector and the value is a Deserializer instance, a deserializer Class or the class name. Consider the following example that does not use KafkaStreamBrancher: The following example uses KafkaStreamBrancher: To configure the Kafka Streams environment, the StreamsBuilderFactoryBean requires a KafkaStreamsConfiguration instance. You can now configure which inbound headers should be mapped. See Non-Blocking Retries for more information. When used as the parameter to a @KafkaListener method, the interface type is automatically passed to the converter as normal. The ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer delegates to one or more KafkaMessageListenerContainer instances to provide multi-threaded consumption. You can, however, seek to a specific offset during initialization (or at any time thereafter). This is because, in most cases, you want the consumer to consume any messages sent in a test case. If there is no converter (either because Jackson is not present or it is explicitly set to null), the headers from the consumer record are provided unconverted in the KafkaHeaders.NATIVE_HEADERS header. This event might signal that the configured task executor has insufficient threads to support the containers it is used in and their concurrency. One difference is that the fallback behavior for batch listeners (when an exception other than a BatchListenerFailedException is thrown) is the equivalent of the Retrying Complete Batches. Another option is to provide Supplier s (starting with version 2.3) that will be used to obtain separate Deserializer instances for each Consumer: Refer to the Javadoc for ContainerProperties for more information about the various properties that you can set. See the Apache Kafka documentation for all possible options. See Rebalancing Listeners for more information. This is useful if your server is not a Spring application (or does not use the @KafkaListener). The DefaultErrorHandler now has a BackOffHandler property. By default the topics are autocreated with one partition and a replication factor of -1 (meaning use the broker default). The default handler simply suspends the thread until the back off time passes (or the container is stopped). Key exceptions are only caused by DeserializationException s so there is no DLT_KEY_EXCEPTION_CAUSE_FQCN. The offsets are applied when the container is started. The context then fails to initialize. This wont work if the object is a String; the topic parameter will also get a reference to object. If you wish to block the sending thread to await the result, you can invoke the futures get() method; using the method with a timeout is recommended. The JsonDeserializer now removes any type information headers by default. Previously, you could pause a consumer within a ConsumerAwareMessageListener and resume it by listening for a ListenerContainerIdleEvent, which provides access to the Consumer object. When messages are delivered, the converted message payload type is used to determine which method to call. By default, the StreamsBuilderFactoryBean is now configured to not clean up local state. It is now called after a timeout (as well as when records arrive); the second parameter is true in the case of a call after a timeout. In addition, these properties can be provided: spring.kafka.embedded.count - the number of Kafka brokers to manage; spring.kafka.embedded.ports - ports (comma-separated value) for every Kafka broker to start, 0 if random port is a preferred; the number of values must be equal to the count mentioned above; spring.kafka.embedded.topics - topics (comma-separated value) to create in the started Kafka cluster; spring.kafka.embedded.partitions - number of partitions to provision for the created topics; - the location of the file for additional Kafka broker configuration properties; the value of this property must follow the Spring resource abstraction pattern. Batch listeners can optionally receive the complete ConsumerRecords, ?> object instead of a List. You can now add configuration to determine which headers (if any) are copied to a reply message. The ErrorHandlingDeserializer adds the deserialization exception(s) in headers ErrorHandlingDeserializer.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_EXCEPTION_HEADER and ErrorHandlingDeserializer.KEY_DESERIALIZER_EXCEPTION_HEADER (using java serialization). When you use a message listener container, you must provide a listener to receive data. WebBENJI - BENJI is Arizonas free, digital FAFSA assistant. You can disable this by setting the addTypeInfo property to false. To illustrate, if you have a "main-topic" topic, and want to setup non-blocking retry with an exponential backoff of 1000ms with a multiplier of 2 and 4 max attempts, it will create the main-topic-retry-1000, main-topic-retry-2000, main-topic-retry-4000 and main-topic-dlt topics and configure the respective consumers. For example, if you have three topics with five partitions each and you want to use concurrency=15, you see only five active consumers, each assigned one partition from each topic, with the other 10 consumers being idle. Exceptions thrown by native GenericMessageListener s were passed to the error handler unchanged. The default implementation is SuffixingRetryTopicNamesProviderFactory and a different implementation can be registered in the following way: As an example the following implementation, in addition to the standard suffix, adds a prefix to retry/dl topics names: Starting with version 3.0, it is now possible to configure multiple listeners on the same topic(s). A constructor for TopicPartitionOffset that takes an additional boolean argument is provided. To replace any BatchErrorHandler implementation, you should implement handleBatch() If you need to revert the factory configuration behavior to prior 2.8.3, you can override the configureRetryTopicConfigurer method of a @Configuration class that extends RetryTopicConfigurationSupport as explained in Configuring Global Settings and Features and set useLegacyFactoryConfigurer to true, such as: Since 2.9, you can access information regarding the topic chain at runtime by injecting the provided DestinationTopicContainer bean. Also, you can pass in Supplier or Supplier instances through constructors - these Supplier s are called on creation of each Producer or Consumer. Version 2.1.3 introduced the ChainedKafkaTransactionManager. See Using the Same Broker(s) for Multiple Test Classes for more information. To arbitrarily seek at runtime, use the callback reference from the registerSeekCallback for the appropriate thread. See Using DefaultKafkaProducerFactory for more information. To enable this listener, and therefore have a single global embedded Kafka cluster for all the tests in the project, the property must be set to true via system properties or JUnit Platform configuration. Instead, the listener container will call that method after it has called onPartitionsLost; you should not, therefore, do the same when implementing ConsumerAwareRebalanceListener. Set the AbstractMessageListenerContainer.changeConsumerThreadName property to true and the AbstractMessageListenerContainer.threadNameSupplier will be invoked to obtain the thread name. When you use this setting, we recommend that you set the templates sharedReplyTopic to true, which reduces the logging level of unexpected replies to DEBUG instead of the default ERROR. See Container Error Handlers for more information. Because the listener container has its own mechanism for committing offsets, it prefers the Kafka ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG to be false. For a batch listener, the listener must throw a BatchListenerFailedException indicating which records in the batch failed. You can use this future to determine the result of the send operation. For changes in earlier version, see Change History. Producer Interceptor Managed in Spring, 4.1.17. The framework also adds a sub-interface ConsumerAwareRebalanceListener. Version 2.2.5 added a convenience method getAllListenerContainers(), which returns a collection of all containers, including those managed by the registry and those declared as beans. See Mock Consumer and Producer for more information. When a reply times out, the future is completed exceptionally with a KafkaReplyTimeoutException instead of a KafkaException. It is guaranteed that a message will never be processed before its due time. This version requires the 1.0.0 kafka-clients or higher. New KafkaHeaders have been introduced regarding timestamp support. Starting with version 2.0, the @KafkaListener annotation has a new attribute: errorHandler. Listener id (or listener container bean name). The following example shows how to configure one: Note that the argument is null, not KafkaNull.
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